Coloured Rice

Our activity for the week involved colouring rice for little one to play with. Her favourite thing was mixing up the colours so the toys and spoons i put out for her to play with weren’t really used.

We will likely need to source some new sorting type tools for her, but until then hands are just fine.

The recipe we used was very simple. We put 1 cup of rice in a takeaway container with a small amount of food dye and 1/2 a teaspoon of vinegar, popped the lid back on and shook it until all the rice was coated.

White long grain rice is usually recommended but we used brown rice as that’s what we had. The darker colour of the rice did not effect the colour of the finished product.

My daughter is only just one so although she can’t help with most cooking experiments, she did love shaking the rice filled containers

To dry the rice most sites I read said to leave it on trays by the heater or in a sunny location. As we’re heading into winter here, but it has not yet been cold enough for a heater I popped them in the oven for a few minutes each. Leaving them uncovered for a few days to dry with a puppy and a toddler about did not seem a good idea.